Sunday, January 31, 2010

January 31st in McCamey

With guests at the worship service (always an expected occurance) and a joyful time at the McCamey Convalescent Center, this is wonderful time to be a part of this growing community of faith!

(the flowers are from Shirley Campbell's funeral service)

Scripture Lesson for Sunday, January 31

(fresco of the Prophet Jeremiah, circa 1120)_____________________________________

Jeremiah 1:4-10 (KJV)
"Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Then said I: "Ah, Lord GOD! Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth.” But the LORD said to me: “Do not say, ‘I am a youth,’ for you shall go to all to whom I send you, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of their faces, for I am with you to deliver you," says the LORD.

Then the LORD put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me: “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.”

Friday, January 29, 2010

Passing of Dorothy Young

Dorothy Young, 88, a long-time member of the First UMC in Iraan, passed away this morning at the McCamey Convalescent Center with family members at her side.  The funeral service will be Wednesday, February 3rd, at 2:00 pm at the First UMC in Iraan.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

McCamey Convalescent Center Visit

Each Thursday morning at 10:00 am the residents at the McCamey Convalescent Center receive visitors in the common room at the Center. 

This morning the main topic of conversation seemed to be the big rain that passed through the area earlier in the morning.  It is a real blessing to be with these wonderful souls.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Choir Makes a Joyful Sound Tonight

Each Wednesday evening the sounds of beautiful music eminates from the church as the choir prepares for the coming Sunday.  We are blessed to have such faithful, committed witnesses to their faith through song.

Shirley Baker Campbell Funeral Service

The McCamey community came this afternoon to say goodbye to Shirley Baker Campbell. Shirley was born April 8, 1920 in Desdemona, Texas and passed away on Monday, January 25, 2010 here in McCamey. Shirley's family and friends returned for a supper provided by the First UMC church family. 

The Rev. Jimmy Braswell, a former pastor of the Disciples Church in McCamey, conducted the service at the Shaffer-Nichols Chapel (formerly the Disciples of Christ Church).  A long procession of vehicles then drove the short distance to the Resthaven Cemetery for a brief time of prayer and reflection.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Friendship Center This Afternoon

This afternoon, Bill introduced Pastor Charles and Belinda to the 
Friendship Center, our community's outreach program.  The place was buzzing with patrons.  Thanks to Debbie White and Bill Lester for introducing us to this dynamic and exciting place.  Belinda even got into the spirit of things by putting in some volunteer time.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Funeral Service on Wednesday

Shirley Campbell's funeral service will be at 4:00 pm on Wednesday at the McCamey funeral home.  There will be a dinner following at the First UMC in the fellowship hall. 

Sunday, January 24, 2010

McCamey Convalescent Center Worship Service

We had another great time worshipping with the residents of the McCamey Convalescent Center this afternoon, what a blessing this time is for everyone involved.  Thanks to Belinda Alkula, and Bill & Bobbie Lester for helping to assist the residents in celebrating another Sunday worship service.

Prayer for Sunday, January 24

O Lord:
In a world where many are lonely, we thank You for our friendships.
In a world where many are captive, we thank You for our freedom.
In a world where many are hungry, we thank You for Your provision.
We pray that You will: enlarge our sympathy, deepen our compassion, and give us grateful hearts.
In Christ’s Name.

The Rev. Terry Waite, Prayers Encircling the World, SPCK, London, 1998, p. 87

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pastor Charles Painting Fences

This afternoon, Pastor Charles continued with his painting of the backyard gates at the parsonage this afternoon. What a difference a little paint can make! Tomorrow, he starts on the garage!

A Delightful Twin Girls Baby Shower!

Some of the members from the First UMC in Iraan and First UMC in McCamey joined a happy gathering at the McCamey elementary  school library this afternoon, to celebrate the recent arrival of Cytha's twin granddaughters:  Stella and Elliott.  A good time was had by all! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A blessing from the choir!

The choir gathered for their weekly practice tonight in the sanctuary.  What a blessing it is to hear these voices coming together on a quiet week night.  You'll want to be at worship on Sunday to hear the fruit of their labors.

Thanks "Badgers for Christ" Volunteers

Many thanks to our volunteers: Belinda Alkula, Pastor Charles, Joan Coe, Bill Lester, Billie Mitchell, Jean Myrick, Gloria Odom, Debbie White, Donny Wiley, Jim Witcher, and Mary Witcher.

Badgers for Christ at First UMC

The first "Badgers for Christ" of 2010 was a big success this afternoon! More than 40 students and others from the high school were fed hamburgers, chips, and cookies.  With "Badgers for Christ" popcorn being given out to everyone, it is a great start to the year!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Remember Badgers for Christ

Who: McCameyHigh School students

What: Badgers for Christ

When: 12:15 - 12:45

Where: First United Methodist Church - McCamey

Why: Food, fun & fellowship

Monday, January 18, 2010

Prayers requested for Rev. Clinton Rabb family

The Rev. Clinton Rabb, 60, a leader in The United Methodist Church's extensive mission volunteer program, died on January 17 in a Florida hospital of injuries sustained when he was trapped for 55 hours in the ruins of the Hotel Montana in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  Rev. Rabb was also a clergy member of the Southwest Texas Conference including one appointment to St. Luke UMC in San Angelo. 

See the full article from the United Methodist News Service.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Our Sunday in McCamey

It was a full day for the congregation us here at the First UMC in McCamey! 

With church school and fellowship before worship, the day gets underway with a hot cup of coffee and some warm west Texas hospitality.  Our worship service this morning included a wonderful musical selection by the choir, what a blessing they are to us all!

The afternoon's worship and fellowship time at the McCamey Care Center was once again a real treat as eighteen residents and FUMC friends were in attendance.

This evening was the first Ad Council of the new year.  A packed parlor had lots of energy and the ministries of the church are in the hands of some very faithful (and creative) people!

We also got to watch Mary work her magic in transforming the fellowship hall from the Christmas theme to a Valentine's theme.  She is so creative and fun to watch at work!!

San Angelo District Epiphany Party

The second annual San Angelo District Epiphany Party took place Saturday afternoon at San Angelo's First UMC.  Bill & Bobbie Lester joined Pastor Charles & Belinda (and Belinda's mother, Sheila Hammitt) and dozens more UM's from around the district in the celebration.

Our District Superintendent, Rev. Larry Altman, introduced Pastor Charles & to the district along with the new pastor at Bronte UMC.

We also heard from the District Lay Leader, Wade Powell, and a home missionary, Maria (forgot to write down her last name), about the continued efforts by the UMC to eliminate malaria.  Look for more information on this blog and in the February e-newsletter about what we can do to be involved.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Urgent need for UMCOR Health Kits

Health kits provide basic necessities to people who have been forced to leave their homes because of human conflict or natural disaster. Health kits are also used as learning tools in personal hygiene, literacy, nutrition and cooking classes.

Place these items inside a sealed one-gallon plastic bag.
•1 hand towel (15" x 25" up to 17" x 27", No kitchen towels)
•1 washcloth
•1 comb (large and sturdy, not pocket-sized)
•1 nail file or fingernail clippers (no emery boards or toenail clippers)
•1 bath-size bar of soap (3 oz. and up)
•1 toothbrush (single brushes only in original wrapper, No child-size brushes)
•6 adhesive plastic strip sterile bandages
•$1.00 to purchase toothpaste
(NOTE: UMCOR Sager Brown is now purchasing toothpaste in bulk to be added to health kits before shipping to ensure that the product does not expire before they are sent.)
For more and details (including shipping information), please see the UMCOR health kit link.

Praise report from Haiti

There is good news from Haiti today: "Two United Methodist mission leaders have been rescued from the rubble of the Hotel Montana, and workers are close to extracting a third church leader pinned under a concrete beam after the massive earthquake rocked Haiti Jan. 12."  Please see the report from UMNS for details.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Prayers for Haiti

Three staff members from the United Methodist General Board of Global Missions (GBGM) were in the Hotel Montana in Haiti at the time of the earthquake. There has been no word. Prayers for all Haiti and for Sam Dixon, Clint Rabb, Jim Gulley & families.

Please see this link for the latest news from the United Methodist News Service.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Making music in McCamey

If it's Wednesday night in McCamey, it must be choir time!  Thanks to Jean Myrick and her daughter, Ludell, for getting tonight's practice music put together.  The choir met at Louise Carll's home for the rehearsal and they sounded just wonderful!