We want to welcome you into the fellowship of Christian believers known as the First United Methodist Church in McCamey, Texas. We are a community of persons who are seeking a deeper relationship with God, through the example of Jesus Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. May you experience God's grace while you are a part of the ministry here at the First United Methodist Church.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
ALL are Welcome at Justin's Park!
Praise be to God for those special folks who touch our lives in unforgetable ways!
Recycling Shed at Work
The church's recycling shed was built by Roy Kephart and his grandson Randy Brown. We took a picture of it today in operation. It is good to see that the donated aluminum cans are all neatly bagged and sorted.
Praise be to God for talented folks who use their talents to make their corner of the world a better place for all to use and enjoy!!!
Praise be to God for talented folks who use their talents to make their corner of the world a better place for all to use and enjoy!!!
A Heavenly Rinse
It has been 14 days since we last had a measurable rainfall. It seems like we are back to "normal" summer weather for around these parts. The high today hovered around 90 degrees F.
At the church, we resorted to the west-Texas-way of doing things, i.e., using the sprinkler system.
At the church, we resorted to the west-Texas-way of doing things, i.e., using the sprinkler system.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Thursday Coffee at the Convalescent Center
Thanks to all the volunteers who come out each Thursday morning at 10:00 a.m., to share with the residents of the convalescent center. Each week, on the menu are... coffee, donuts, the newspapers from McCamey and Iraan/Rankin and good conversation.
Memorial Service at McCamey Convalescent Center
A memorial service was held yesterday at the McCamey Convalescent Center for Fay Bushwar and Stella Mae Gardner. The dining room was standing room only, with over 70 residents, staff and family members in attendence.
Stella and Fay were long-time staff members at the McCamey County Hospital District.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Norma Ruth Scott
Norma Ruth Scott, 85, of Midland, and formerly of Crane and McCamey, passed away on Friday, July 16, 2010, in Big Spring. Graveside services were held on Monday, July 19th at the Crane County Cemetery, with Pastor Charles officiating.
Norma was born on April 18, 1925, in Mullin, Texas, and she moved to McCamey with her family in 1928. As an adult, she worked in insurance as a trainer and as an auditor. She was a life-long United Methodist. -------------------------
Norma was preceded in death by her husband, R. L. Scott in 1974, and a son, Bobby Lee Scott in 1989. Survivors include a daughter, Sandra McMahon, and her husband Jimmy of Big Spring; a sister, Doris Flowe of Andrews; and two grandchildren.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Tonight's Ad Board Meeting
The McCamey Ad Board met tonight with a lot to discuss and information to share. Attending tonight's meeting were the following: Pastor Charles & Belinda Alkula, Joan Coe, Bill & Bobbie Lester, Jean Myrick, Gloria Odom, Cytha Peters and Jack & Sherry Phillips.
The McCamey Convalescent Center Service
It was a lively congregation that assembled in the dining room of the nearby convalescent center this afternoon. We were blessed to have Belinda and Pastor Charles Alkula, Joan Coe, Bobbie and Bill Lester and Cytha Peters to share in this time of worship and fellowship with the residents and their families and guests. The community sang happy birthday to Dorothy, who is 80 years young today. It was great to have Dorothy's family with her and for them to share this special time with us!
Sunday, July 18th in McCamey
If there is any surer sign of a congregation's health, it must be in the way they share with one another. This morning at the First UMC in McCamey, the passing of the peace and the time to share joys and concerns were so full of energy and enthusiasm that Pastor Charles barely had time to preach! What a blessing this morning was to everyone in attenance... and what a blessing this morning will be as word spreads throughout the community about what is happening in this congregation! Praise be to God!!!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Memorial Service Planned at McCamey Convalescent Center
There will be a memorial service on Wednesday, July 21st at 3:00 p.m. to honor the life and faith of Stella Gardner and Fay Bushwar. These long-time McCamey residents were dedicated staff members of the McCamey Hospital/Convalescent Center, and they will be missed. The public is invited to join the staff and residents of the Hospital/Convalescent Center in sharing this special time together.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thursday at the Convalescent Center
The Thursday morning gathering at the McCamey Convalescent Center was a happening event with wonderful conversations taking place in every corner of the dining room. One of our dear folk even had on her new wellness center t-shirt which she proudly displayed for all to see.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Prayers are being requested
Please lift up in your prayers Debbie and Henry W. as they deal with the reality of inoperable cancer in Henry. A number of FUMC members have already been to the hospital in Odessa. Pastor Charles visited this afternoon and found Henry to be in excellent spirits and facing the diagnosis unafraid of the outcome.
Monday, July 12, 2010
The July meeting of the UMW
Tonight's UMW meeting was held at the home of Louise Carll and started just before a heavy rain passed through McCamey. The program was presented by Louise and dealt with the issue of immigration which was very informative. As part of the program we sang"They'll know we are Christians by our love" and "Be thou my vision." We finished the evening with a delightful desert, thanks to Lousie for her gracious hospitality.
In attendence tonight were: Jennifer Aguilar, Belinda and Pastor Charles, Louise Carll, Peggy Garner, Bobbie Lester, Theodora Matthews, Lou Dell Myrick, Jean Myrick, Cytha Peters and Marilyn Whitaker.
Urgent message from Bishop Dorff

This is an emergency request for assistance. Items are needed immediately. The last collection date will be Tuesday, July 27. Another appeal may be necessary in order to meet the needs on the U.S. side of the border.
SPECIFIC items requested: Water (bottles); Beans (2 lb bags); Rice (2 lb bags); Cereal (Varieties of Cheerios/Chex); Canned Goods (Tuna - Corn - Tomatoes); Fideo (pasta); Disposable Diapers; Monetary Donations. IMPORTANT NOTE: Expiration date on any item must not be less than 3 months, preferably 6 months.
Cash gifts are most urgently needed and should be given through the SWTX Conference Disaster Response – Conference Advance #2050. Please designate “Mexico Disaster Response” on the memo line with the Advance #.
No clothes, PLEASE.
Drop Points for the San Angelo District:
First United Methodist Church - SAN ANGELO
37 E. Beauregard
San Angelo, TX 76903
Contact: Sherrie Walker (sherrie@firstmethodist.net) or Cheri Brewster (cheri@firstmethodist.net)
First United Methodist Church – DEL RIO
100 Spring St.
Del Rio, TX 78840
Contact: The Rev. Tim Brewer (revtbrewer@hotmail.com)
Sunday, July 11, 2010
One of our own
Ronnie Ward's son, Bradley, is serving with the US Army in Iraq. Ronnie is a member of the First UMC in Iraan. If you'd like Bradley's address to send him a note, please contact the pastor.
July 11th at FUMC - McCamey
The heat has returned to west Texas and with it the reminder that the blessings of last week's rain was last week's blessing - this week there will be new blessings!
At the McCamey Convalescent Center this afternoon a large group assembled for praise and worship. Cytha Peters accompanied the singing on the piano with Belinda Alkula, Joan Cole and Bobbie & Bill Lester assisting the residents in worship.
Friday, July 9, 2010
District-wide Plea for Assistance
Our brothers and sisters in the Del Rio area need our help because of the recent and continued flooding. There are people in Del Rio that are flooded out and are receiving assistance, but Del Rio's concern is the 2000+ families in Acuna` that have lost everything.
The Rev. Tim Brewer has asked for 2lb. bags of rice and beans; bottled water; cereal (cheerios or chex brands); crackers; individual packed boxes of snack items. Items can be delivered to the First UMC in Del Rio or First UMC in San Angelo.
If you have any questions, please contact Sherri Walker or Cheri Brewster at (325) 655-8981 or the First UMC in Del Rio at (830) 775-1541. If you would like to haul the trailer of items to Del Rio from the First UMC in San Angelo please contact Sherri Walker at the number above.
An update will be sent out early next week on what else may be needed. The Conference and Bishop Dorff will be sending out information as well in a Conference-wide plea.
Thank you all for your prayers and efforts in assisting our District and our neighbors.
Amy Moore
San Angelo District Office
(325) 486-1500
The Rev. Tim Brewer has asked for 2lb. bags of rice and beans; bottled water; cereal (cheerios or chex brands); crackers; individual packed boxes of snack items. Items can be delivered to the First UMC in Del Rio or First UMC in San Angelo.
If you have any questions, please contact Sherri Walker or Cheri Brewster at (325) 655-8981 or the First UMC in Del Rio at (830) 775-1541. If you would like to haul the trailer of items to Del Rio from the First UMC in San Angelo please contact Sherri Walker at the number above.
An update will be sent out early next week on what else may be needed. The Conference and Bishop Dorff will be sending out information as well in a Conference-wide plea.
Thank you all for your prayers and efforts in assisting our District and our neighbors.
Amy Moore
San Angelo District Office
(325) 486-1500
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