Monday, August 30, 2010

Church Conference date & time

The San Angelo District office has set the dates for the 2010 Church Conferences.

The First UMC in McCamey will hold its 2010 church conference on November 7th during the morning worship service.

More information will be coming to church officers and members in the coming weeks.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Thought for Sunday, August 29

The Rev. John Wesley's Journal entry for Sunday, August 29, 1790:

Mr. Baddiley being gone to the north, and Mr. Collins being engaged elsewhere, I had none to assist in the service , and could not read the Prayers myself; so I was obliged to shorten the service, which was shortened to three hours. I preached in the afternoon near King's Square; and the hearts of the people bowed down before the Lord.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

This Week in McCamey

It has been a busy week here in McCamey, Texas!  School resumed on Monday, and on Tuesday evening, the area enjoyed a very strong thunderstorm that dumped around 10" of rain. 

Wedneday morning, the sound of hedge-trimmers could be heard at the church.  Jack Phillips tackled the task of whipping the hedge on the south side of the building into an attractive feature.

Wednesday evening, the sound of bells were heard once more in the church sanctuary!  Sara Hill graciously stepped forward to take up the mantel of directing the bell choir.  There were eight at the first rehearsal, and we can look forward to some wonderful musical offerings from this group in the coming months.

Thursday was a special day at the McCamey Convalescent Center.  In addition to the regular Thursday morning fellowship time with the residents, this afternoon there was a birthday party!  Mr. Cleatus B. turns 92 next Monday, and family and friends were able to come out today and celebrate.  Cleatus is the only residing resident of McCamey who was a member of the former Presbyterian Church here in town.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Midweek Message

Question: Three frogs were sitting on a log. One decided to jump off. How many frogs were left sitting on the log?

Answer: Three. Just because the frog decided to jump off the log, it doesn't mean it actually did.

Reflection: Just because a church decides to become a M.R.I. (Missional, Relational, Incarnational) church or become certified as a Welcoming Church... does not mean that it will become one.

(posted by Dr. Leonard Sweet on Facebook this morning)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday in McCamey

It was a great time to come together in the house of God today!  Among the many joys we shared today was the birthday this week of Jim Witcher and the 54th anniversary of Coy & Joan Coe.  With school starting tomorrow, we were happy to lift up in prayer these teachers who are part of our fellowship: Gladys Doris, Eric Hill, Bobbie Lester, Dollie Lynch, Cytha Peters, Lou Ann Watson and Donny Wiley.

Also this morning, everyone was given a copy of "Pigskin Preview," the annual look at high school football in the Permian Basin.  The magazine is published before football season by CBS 7 (out of Midland/Odessa).  The reason everyone got a copy was that for the first time, First UMC was featured in an ad and shown on the McCamey High School page.

This afternoon we were able to continuing worshipping God by joining the residents of the Covalescent Center for a worship service.  Thanks to Cytha Peters and Bill & Bobbie Lester for sharing their time and talents this afternoon!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Greetings from Mount Wesley!

Pastor Charles and Belinda attended a three-day retreat (Tues. - Thurs.) study at Mount Wesley (Kerrville) on the Gospel of John. 

The study was led by Dr. Jaime Clark-Soles (from Perkins School of Theology @ SMU).  It was a terrific three days learning a about the accounts provided in the fourth gospel account! 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Bless the teachers and staff of McCamey I.S.D.

The McCamey ISD staff gathered today for the opening of the 2010-2011 school year with the first day of the week-long staff in-service. Local organizations including the Chamber of Commerce, the hospital/wellness center, Angelo State University and others served a bounty of delicious food and gave some nice opening-day gifts. Pastor Charles was present as well, distributing mesquite wood crosses (the same ones given to the congregation on Aug. 8th) to as many staff members as he could find!
Among the members of the First UMC that Pastor Charles spotted were Mayor Sherry Phillips, Dollie Lynch, Eric Hill, Gladys Doris, Bobbie Lester, Cytha Peters, Donna Wiley, and School Superintendent Donny Wiley.
(Pictures from this morning can be seen on the Alkula's blog)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tonight's Ad Board Meeting

Tonight's Ad Board meeting was another energetic affair with ten people in attendance.

Looking ahead to September:
The McCamey Blue Grass Festival is September 9-10-11 and we are hoping to get one of the musical groups to offer music at the service and lunch on the 12th.
The Welcome Luncheon for teachers and other new residents will be following the worship service on September 12th.
The Badgers for Christ lunch returns to First UMC on September 15th.  On the menu for the first gathering of the fall will be Pizza!

Attending tonight were: Pastor Charles, Joan Coe, Bobbie & Bill Lester, Jean Myrick, Gloria Odom, Cytha Peters, Sherry & Jack Phillips, and Debbie White.

The next Ad Board meeting will be on September 19th.

Convalescent Center's Worship Today

Our time at the Convalescent Center today was filled with lively singing (thanks to Cytha Peters on the piano) and as always was a joy to share with the residents.

Great Worship This Morning!

We are blessed to have such a supportive community of faith!  Coming together on Sunday mornings for worship is such a blessing for young and old alike.  Young Reubin accompanied Bill Lester during the stewardship moment and assisted as acolyte too.  We train them early at the First UMC! 

Great Fellowship and Worship Today!

Thanks to Mary Witcher and Billie Mitchel for transforming our fellowship hall each month into such a welcoming space.  With school about to resume for teachers tomorrow (August 16) and students the next week, we are ready to welcome all the Badgers back for another year!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

McCamey Ministerial Alliance meeting

This morning the First UMC hosted the monthly meeting of the McCamey Ministerial Alliance. 

Bill Lester joined the group in looking at the recent MMA activities and ahead to what is coming up:

Smiles on Wheels planning meeting at the First Baptist Church, August 23 @ 7pm.
The EXCELL youth program resumes at the Park Building on Sept. 15th at 7pm.
The next MMA meeting is tentatively set for September 8th at 10am at the Eastside Baptist Church.

Churches represented this morning were: First Assembly of God, First Baptist Church, First United Methodist Church, and Sacred Heart Catholic Church.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The UMW is busy!

The United Methodist Women met tonight at the home of Bobbie Lester with nine in attendence.  The program was presented by Peggy Garner.  The focus of the program was on the scourge of human trafficking

Following the program we retired to the dining room for a specially made fruit pizza and other treats.

We then prepared gift baskets for the new teachers coming to the McCamey ISD.  The members contributed some terrific items which will show how much we welcome these new members to our community.

Attending tonight's gathering were Pastor Charles & Belinda, Louise Carll, Jack & Peggy Garner, Maurine Jacobson, Bobbie Lester, Theodora Matthews, and Cytha Peters.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 8th in McCamey

Our worship at First UMC in McCamey included the congregation gathering around the table for a special "Badger blessing."  Everyone present was given a handmade mesquite cross, and together we shared the prayer of blessing for all Badgers: past, present and future.  This weekend was the McCamey High School all-class reunuion, and it was a joy to celebrate with others in McCamey.

At the McCamey convalescent center this afternoon, the residents joined Bobbie & Bill Lester and Belinda Alkula in worship. 

Women's Retreat in Iraan This Weekend

With Pastor Charles Alkula's encouragement, love and support... Belinda attended the 16th annual Women's Retreat in Iraan this weekend. The theme was "Joy for the Heart." If you want to read all about it and see some great pictures... you can go to the Alkula's personal blog at

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Badgers @ First UMC! (part 3)

Bill Lester, our church historian, brought out the church record book, which aided in the walk down memory lane. 

Belinda was happy to have made it back from Iraan, in time to see some of the fun happenings at the church.  (She returned from attending a women's retreat, which was last night and this morning.)  What a blessing it was to be able to share our church with the community!