Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sunday's scripture lesson

"The Apostle Paul" by Rembrandt

Romans 7:15-25a

"Does anyone not feel the depth of moral conflict Paul described in this passage? He didn't put it in modern pyscho-babble such as we might use; but he made it perfectly plain how intense the conscious struggle of the will becomes when we face temptation, or unconsciously when we just want our own way. He made equally plain the only true resource for freedom from the guilt of our failure to resist temptation - the grace of forgiveness through Jesus Christ."  - David Sherman, from Midrash

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy belated-birthday, John Wesley!

John Wesley was born on June 17, 1703 (the same year as Jonathan Edwards) in Epworth, Lincolnshire (England).

Here is a birthday blog entry from a Baptist pastor in Minnesota that speaks volumes about this man whose teachings we follow in the name of Jesus.

July e-newsletter is available

The July e-newsletter is now available at this link.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Joys & Concerns from June 26


*For raindrops last week in McCamey. For inches of rain others experienced in towns nearby.
*Guest in church today.
*Healing Mercies: Tony A.’s cousin Joel got a clean bill health, i.e., no more signs of cancer.
*Healing Mercies: Miley B.’s successful surgeries (after motorcycle accident); full recovery is expected.
*Healing Mercies: Elena B. (recovering from recent stroke) and Sheila H., (Belinda A.’s mother).
*Pastor Charles and Belinda A.’s friends visiting from Minnesota: Judy, Leon and “Oreo,” the dog.
*Coy and Joan C.’s visiting family members and “grand-dogs.”
*Root beer floats and coke floats after church next Sunday.
*Air conditioning on these hot summer days.
*Memories we do have.
*New residents at the local convalescent center.
*Pretty flower in Ashley R.’s hair at church today.

*Need for more rain.
*Firefighters fighting wildfires.
*Healing Mercies: Edna E.B. (Theodora M.’s sister), Miley B., Joann D and “Mama D.”
*Travelling mercies.
*Loss of memory.
*Those struggling with life decisions.
*Those serving in military at home and overseas … and their family members dealing with separation issues, e.g. Ryan W. in Dubai and Derek W. at Fort Huachuca, AZ ... and their families.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Blessings at FUMC - McCamey

The heat of summer is firmly in place here in the Permian Basin, but that doesn't stop the faithful from coming to worship!  We were blessed with a guest in our morning worship service.  It is always a joy to share this special time together!  Pastor Charles began the series of sermons based on three of Paul's letters: Romans, Philippians, and I Thesalonians which will take us through to Thanksgiving.  This afternoon, we continued our worship at the McCamey Convalescent Center. Thanks to Roy & Alice Kephart, Bill & Bobbie Lester, Belinda Alkula, Verla Flading and Cytha Peters for sharing this time with the residents at the Convalsecent Center.

Prayer for Sunday, June 26

Collect of the Day

Almighty God, you have built your Church upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone: Grant us so to be joined together in unity of spirit by their teaching, that we may be made a holy temple acceptable to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Coffee, donuts and more!

The warm weather outside didn't deter residents and visitors from enjoying the weekly gathering today.  Some new residents joined the table fellowship and even the state auditors were made to feel welcome!

Church Blog Has 22,000 Hits Now!

WOW:  22,000 Hits!  Yea, God!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Prayers for Miley

Miley B. just went in for his hip surgery. It will be an all day surgery and the family is asking for prayers for him and the doctors.

Summer sermon series

On Sunday, June 26th, we'll begin a series of sermons using the epistle lessons from the Revised Common Lectionary. These lessons come to us from the letter of Paul to the Romans.
The first of these passage is Romans 6:12-23: "Having settled the question how faith in the grace of Jesus Christ overcomes our sin, Paul now turns to the moral implications of that victory. he thinks of sin no longer "exercising dominion" over us. So the issue really become, "Who is our Lord and Master over our lives and what does that mean for the way we live?" Paul drew an analogy with slavery, an institution very common in the 1st century and most probably within the Christian community in Rome itself." - (Rev. John Sherman on the Midrash discussion group).

So, what do you think?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Joys & Concerns Expressed in June 19th Worship Service

*Loving fathers.
*Eric H. got his CDL which secures his employment.
*Healing prayers for  Sheila H. (Belinda’s mother) and Sara H.’s grandmother.
*Parsonage Joy:  Visiting hummingbirds and orioles.
*Debbie White's willingness to usher today.

*Rain needed.
*Healing Mercies:  Joann D., “Mama D.”, Sheila H. (Belinda’s mother), Mylie B. (recent motorcycle accident).
*Fire fighters fighting more wildfires.
*Travelling mercies.
*Those absent from our company today:  Louise C., Coy and Joan C., Joann D., Phil and Grace M., Silvia and Ashley R., Glen and Pam S. and Lou Ann W.
*Men trying to be good fathers.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Good Sunday!

We had another good Sunday of worship services at the church and at the local convalescent center.  Thanks be to God!!!

Trinity Sunday/Father's Day

Today is Trinity Sunday, the day set aside to celebrate the belief in God revealed to us.  When we call upon the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit, we are seeking an awesome God!  We remember this uniquely Christian belief in the Athanasian Creed.

Trinity Sunday Prayer
Father, You sent Your Word to bring us truth and your Spirit to make us holy. Through them we come to know the mystery of your life.  Help us to worship You, one God in three persons, You reveal Yourself in the depths of our being, by proclaiming and living our faith in You. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen

Visit this link for a prayer for Father's Day.

(The stained glass window shown here is of a Celtic knot.  The words, in Gaelic, read: (Gra i gconai - Love forever; Siochan leat - Peace be with you; Ceartas tri aontacht - Justice through unity)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Supper tonight at Benoit's

We had a great time tonight at Benoit's tonight at 6:00 p.m. for our "UM's on the Town!" 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lively morning at the Convalescent Center

Pastor Charles joined Jean Myrick, Alice Kephart, Verla Flading and other community members at the Thursday morning coffee & donuts time at the Convalescent Center.  Everyone was tickled by the homemade donuts made by Trena and by the timely arrival of copies of the McCamey News. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

June UMW Meeting

The June UMW meeting was tonight with ten in attendence.  Cytha Peters presented a musical program featuring some very nice jazz arrangements of some old standard hymns.  Cytha also served as the evening's hostess and offered ice cream and home-made cherry pie.

Joys & Concerns from June 12

Welcome return to church of Joan C., Gloria O., Jack and Peggy G.

Improved Health: Verla F. (home now), Larry M., Sheila H. (Belinda’s mother).

Cadyn M.’s third birthday today.

Maureen Jacobsen's grand-daughter’s wedding last week was wonderful. Newlyweds had great honeymoon and are now back home.

Coy and Joan’s great-grandson.

Dolly Lynch’s “baby” turned 26 this week.

Baby Brinley H. is sleeping better now.

Great vacation Bible school last week in McCamey.

Few drops of rain last Wednesday.  Jennifer Aguilar’s picture of the rain in McCamey was submitted to TV channel 7 and was aired on the news.

Good Annual Conference of the church last week.

Pastor Charles’ reappointment to serve the church.

Healing Mercies: Sara H.’s grandmother, Velinda B.’s grandmother.

Bereavement compassion for the Luna family.

Travelling mercies: Bill and Bobbie, Donny and others.

More rain needed.

Lovely Gift to Pastor & Belinda

During yesterday's worship service, the congregation presented this lovely basket of plants which included a beautiful hand-crafted cross and pretty butterfly -- to Pastor Charles and Belinda in celebration of the pastor's reappointment to the church.  Praise God for the year behind us and the year ahead of us!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pentecost Sunday in McCamey

What a blessing we enjoyed today, Pentecost Sunday, in McCamey!  After the worship, we enjoyed a birthday cake for the church (made by Belinda).
This afternoon, we celebrated Pentecost with the residents at the McCamey Convalescent Center.  Pastor Charles shared the "Birthday Bear" with everyone, thanks to Roy & Alice Kephart, Belinda Alkula, Verla Flading, and Cytha Peters for their participation.

A Prayer to the Holy Spirit

(Dome of the Pentecost - Bisilica di San Marco -
Venice, Italy)

O God the Holy Ghost Who art light unto thine elect, Evermore enlighten us.
Thou who art fire of love, Evermore enkindle us.
Thou who art Lord and Giver of Life, Evermore live in us.
Thou who bestowest sevenfold grace, Evermore replenish us.
As the wind is thy symbol, so forward our goings.
As the dove, so launch us heavenwards.
As water, so purify our spirits.
As a cloud, so abate our temptations.
As dew, so revive our languor.
As fire, so purge our dross.

Christina Rossetti (AD 1830-1894)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Annual Conference, Day 4

The final morning of the 2011 Annual Conference took place today and concluded about 1:00 p.m. with the "fixing of appointments" for the clergy.  Pastor Charles has been reappointed to the FUMC - McCamey & Iraan for another year!
There were lots of reports this morning, a rousing debate over a petition to General Conference, and of course, lots of singing and praying! 

Thanks to Jim & Mary Witcher and Belinda Alkula for taking part in this year's Conference sessions.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Annual Conference, Day 3 (part 2)

The culmination of today's activities was the ordination service.  Belinda and Pastor Charles volunteered with others from the San Angelo District as ushers.  It was nice to be of service on this special evening.

Annual Conference, Day 3

Today's sessions at the Annual Conference included the conclusion of the voting for delegates to General and Jurisdictional Conference.
Other activites included worship services, reports, visiting with others, etc.  (Note:  It was quite cold at the worship service, so thanks to Mary having some throws stashed in the truck, Mary and Belinda were able to go "undercover" to keep warm.  Thanks be to God!)
Belinda attended this morning's clergy spouse's brunch:  What a great group of men and women!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Annual Conference, Day 2

The primary focus of the second day of Annual Conference was the election of clergy and lay delegates for General Conference (taking place in May 2012 in Tampa, FL).  We heard a number of reports, as well as approving the 2012 budget for the Conference.

Everyone enjoyed meeting other folks during the breaks and in the vendor area.  So much going on, it is hard to capture it all!