Thursday, February 4, 2010

A letter from the Conference Treasurer

Grace and peace to you in the name of Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Please relate to your cngregation how proud I am to be associated with a church which is so generous and committed to living out its faith as pat of the United Methoidst Church.  During 2009 you were one of 279 churches in the Southwest Texas Conference which gave 100% of their connnectional share of ministries.  As a conference, we gave 95.92% of all funds apportioned to our churches.

This year particularly, your generosity makes me proud.  Because of the apportioned funds which were received, The United Methodist Church was able to immediately be in Haiti after the tragic earthquake.  We are able to support the surviviors of that earthquake through UMCOR knowing 100% of the money goes directly to relief efforts because your apportioned giving supports the "overhead" of the General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM)and the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) itself.

This especially came home to many of our members of the Southwest Texas Conference, when the life of one of our own clergy, the Rev. Clint Rabb, was lost in Haiti.  He was in Haiti as a staff member of the GBGM working to facilitate ministries in that country in which our church was already involved.

I am also proud because I know that 2009 was a tough year financially for many of our members and many of our churches.  We had difficulty making our dollars stretch far enough to support our families and to support our church.  Fortunately, those who were able to do more stepped up and gave more.  I also know that many churches gave more to local ministries and support of those in their communities who were in need because of the economy.

You and your church have been faithful servants of the Lord.  You have been a blessing to Christ's work in the world.  Because of your faithful giving, I am especially proud to be joined with you as members of The United Methodist Church, connected in faith and ministry.

Blessings, Rev. David A. Seilheimer
(Treasurer & Secretary, Office of Finance and Administration, SWTX Conference)

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