Friday, March 19, 2010

Last Day of Winter in McCamey

With the last day of winter officially upon us, it was nice to see so much activity at the church today. Jean Myrick and Belinda were busy getting the choir music folders ready, you'll want to come on Sunday and see what the music-makers are up to!

Mary Witcher has worked her magic again in the fellowship hall, transforming the space from its St. Patrick's Day theme to an Easter theme.  Come on by and enjoy it for yourself.

Pastor Charles has completed  the reorginzing of the greeting cards which can now be found in the storage room (the one with the two door knobs).  Be sure to visit and make use of this resource.

One of the treasures unearthed is a large number of church plates.  If you would like one for yourself or as a gift, please place your donation in the offering plate, marking the envelope, "plates."

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