Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday at the Friendship Center

Today marked the last day of the Friendship Center (in the current configuration).  When the center reopens it will be with a different look and possibly a different mission.

Today Debbie White, Sherry Phillips, Bobbie Lester and Bill Lester represented the First UMC in assisting the clients.  Food, clothing and other needs were met as everyone dodged the summer rains.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 27th @ FUMC - McCamey

It was a joyful celebration today at the First UMC in McCamey and at the McCamey Convalescent Center.  It is so nice to be with people who really enjoy coming together to worship and to share in this life of faith.

Pastor Charles was thrilled to receive a new button for his collection from Mary Witcher, any day with a button is a good day for him!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Be sure to get your copy of the "Upper Room!"

Please join us for worship tomorrow, and pick up a copy of the July - August "Upper Room."  Get one for your family, and take another to a neighbor, co-worker, church member... folks who needs to know the church cares for them.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Henry Watson's Funeral Lunch

The funeral lunch for Henry Watson was a lively affair with the tables groaning with a fantastic assortment of home-made items.  Lou Ann Watson asked Pastor Charles to pass along the thanks and appreciation for this act of hospitality from the Watson family.

Contributing to the effort were: Tony & Jennifer Aguilar, Belinda & Pastor Charles Alkula, Ruthie Andrews, Velma Beasley, Velinda Bolen, Coy & Joan Coe, LaDell & Ralph Garrett, Maurine Jacobsen, Warren & Trena Kneupper, Bill & Bobbie Lester, Coy & Dollie Lynch, Jean Myrick, Gloria Odom, Cytha Peters, Sherry Phillips, Matthew & Marina Ramirez, Sylvia Ricks, Pam & Glen Smart, Wayne & J.J. Smith, Gary & Debbie Wade, Debbie White, Donny & Donna Wiley, and Jim & Mary Witcher.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Henry Watson's Funeral Service

Pastor Charles conducted a graveside service at McCamey's Resthaven Cemetary.  The volunteer firemen who attended Henry Watson's service today traveled with him to the cemetary, where they presented a very moving tribute to him for his service with the fire department.  The "bell ceremony" included the fire truck's bells' "5-5-5," which is them ringing the bell five times, pausing, then ringing the bell five more times, pausing and then ringing the bell five more times.  This symbolizes that his "shift" has come to an end, and now he is due for a well-earned rest.  Rest in peace, our dear one, you good and faithful servant!

Flowers at Henry Watson's Life-Celebration Today

We celebrated the life of Mr. Henry Lee Watson today.  He was a man who cared about his neighbor, which was exemplified by his time as a volunteer fireman.  He was a man who enjoyed the great outdoors, specifically fishing.  The flower arrangements at his funeral service today reflected what a special man he was to all of us.  Praise be to God for the gift of Mr. Henry Lee Watson!!!

The Funeral Service for Henry Watson

Today we celebrated the life of Mr. Henry Lee Watson and the amazing influence he had on so many people!  Some 270 people came together this morning, to give thanks to God for the life and times of our "Henry." 

Sunday, June 20, 2010

This afternoon at the Convalescent Center, Bobbie & Bill Lester, Belinda, Cytha Peters and Mike Sharrod made the trip to the Convalescent Center for the weekly service for the residents

Mike also helped out by tuning the Center's piano, what a blessing that is!  The piano at the Convalescent Center was donated a few years ago by our church.  As Mike was tuning the piano, he noted the production number which indicates that the piano was built around 1914.  This means that the piano was likely in the first church building when the congregation was formed in 1927. 

Wonderful Fathers' Day Today!!!

What a wonderful time we had at the McCamey First United Methodist Church today!

Pastor Charles gave the men-folk in the congregation a special Fathers' Day blessing. Afterwards, he presented each man with a pocket-sized WD-40 pen, so they were ready to tackle all the life-situations that might require its application.  It is amazing to learn about ALL the the ways that WD-40 can make our lives better; to learn more, you can click on this official list of 2000+ uses for it! What is really amazing is that the primary ingredient of WD-40 is "fish oil!"

We acknowledged that as miraculous as WD-40 is, God who is the author of all (even WD-40)... is SO AWESOME! His love, mercy and grace transform this world each and every day: How miraculous is that?!

Afterwards, we enjoyed a delicious potluck lunch:  Yummy!  The fellowship and the food was fabulous!  Praise be to God from whom ALL blessing flow!!!

A prayer for Father's Day

For our fathers, who have given us life and love, that we show them respect and love, we pray to the Lord...

For fathers who have lost a child through death, that their faith may give them hope, and their family and friends support and console them, we pray to the Lord...

For men, though without children of their own, who like fathers have nurtured and cared for us, we pray to the Lord...

For fathers, who have been unable to be a source of strength, who have not responded to their children and have not sustained their families, we pray to the Lord...

God our Father, in your wisdom and love You made all things. Bless these men, that they may be strengthened as Christian fathers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honor them always with a spirit of profound respect. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

(The United Methodist Book of Worship, #441)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Father's Day at FUMC - McCamey

Don't forget to come to worship with us tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. and then stay afterwards for our first annual Father's Day potluck!  Invite a dad (your's or someone else's) to share this special day at FUMC - McCamey. 

Friday, June 18, 2010

The passing of Henry Watson

We are sad to report that Henry Watson, 70, a long-time member of the First UMC in McCamey passed away at his home this morning. 

Please be in prayer for Lou Ann and the Watson's children: Cindy, Greg, and Craig.

The funeral service will be held at the First UMC in McCamey on Monday, June 21 at 11:00 a.m.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

San Angelo District Gathering

Pastor Charles & Belinda were in Christoval this afternoon, attending the annual San Angelo District picnic which welcomes new parsonage families to the district.  The setting was perfect, the BBQ was stellar and of the fellowship was joyful! 

John Wesley's Birthday

(statue of John Wesley @ The New Room, Bristol)

Today marks the date in 1703 that the Rev. John Wesley was born in Epworth, Lincolnshire, England. He was born in the parish rectory (parsonage) to the Rev. Samuel & Susanna Wesley. Happy birthday, Brother John!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

McCamey Ministerial Alliance meeting

The McCamey Ministerial Alliance met today at the First Baptist Church with representatives of First Baptist, Sacred Heart Catholic, Eastside Baptist, First Assembly of God, and First UMC present.

A reminder: The First UMC is responsible for staffing the Friendship Center this month (June 22 & 29) and volunteers are urgently needed.
The next meeting will be at Sacred Heart RC Church on July 20th at 10:00 a.m.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Remember Father's Day

Father's Day is Sunday, June 20th! Please remember to invite your father, a neighbor, a friend, or just anyone who wants to remember  their dad in their Father's House.

The worship service starts at 11:00 with a Father's Day potluck following at noon. See you on Sunday!

Monday, June 14, 2010

A musical UMW evening

Tonight's UMW began with everyone gathering in the sanctuary for a special program.  Cytha Peters and Sara Hill provided a musical experience for the membership.  After the program was completed, we gathered in the parlor for a brief meeting and refreshments (including home-made ice cream!).