Sunday, June 20, 2010

Wonderful Fathers' Day Today!!!

What a wonderful time we had at the McCamey First United Methodist Church today!

Pastor Charles gave the men-folk in the congregation a special Fathers' Day blessing. Afterwards, he presented each man with a pocket-sized WD-40 pen, so they were ready to tackle all the life-situations that might require its application.  It is amazing to learn about ALL the the ways that WD-40 can make our lives better; to learn more, you can click on this official list of 2000+ uses for it! What is really amazing is that the primary ingredient of WD-40 is "fish oil!"

We acknowledged that as miraculous as WD-40 is, God who is the author of all (even WD-40)... is SO AWESOME! His love, mercy and grace transform this world each and every day: How miraculous is that?!

Afterwards, we enjoyed a delicious potluck lunch:  Yummy!  The fellowship and the food was fabulous!  Praise be to God from whom ALL blessing flow!!!

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