Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Choir is Taking Its Summer Break from Weekly Choir Practice

The choir met tonight for its final rehearsal for awhile.  Taking part in tonight's musical gathering were Belinda Alkula, Sarah & Eric Hill, Bobbie Lester and Jean Myrick.  (Plans are to begin again August 4th.) 

Louise Carll and Cytha Peters were presented with rose plants in appreciation of their leadership in the church's music ministry program. 

1 comment:

  1. choir directors may i present our totally free program to inspire talking with the Lord daily on ev eryday life issues. part of program is our song lyrics SPREAD THE WORD-TALK WITH THE LORD.we offer free performance to non commercial users you even add your own music version free info and lyrics g. hubbard p.o. box 2232 ponte vedra fl 32004 great posts on blog
