Sunday, October 31, 2010

Convalescent Service Today

Thanks to Bobbie and Bill Lester for leading today's worship service at the nearby convalescent center (CC).  Bill read the scriptures, and Bobbie delivered the message. 
Our thanks goes to Belinda's mother Sheila who thought to video some of Bobbie's message on her little digital camera!  It's surprising what great things we can do with the technology at hand these days.  To see some of Bobbie's message, click here: .  (Be sure to have your audio "on!"  It's wonderful!  Hey, our church is now on youtube; how cool is that!  Yea, God!!!)
We were very grateful to have our wonderful Cytha Peters playing beautiful music for us.  And we had the lovely Louise Carll present to help us with our singing.  Thanks to all the faithful folks from the McCamey First United Methodist Church who took time out of their very busy schedules to celebrate God's love for all of us... with our dear friends and neighbors at the CC.  Praise be to God for such faith-filled folks!!!

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