Tuesday, October 12, 2010

McCamey Ministerial Alliance Meeting Today

Pastor Charles presided over his first meeting as the president of the McCamey Ministerial Alliance (MMA) this morning at the First Assembly of God Church. A lot was accomplished and there was a lot of energy present!

The first order of business was the welcoming of Christine Sparks, who introduced the MMA to a new program being sponsored by the Upton County Attorney.  The program deals with "relationship abuse awareness" and concerns itself with helping people spot the signs of an abusive relationship and how to get help if it occurs.  Christine will be presenting her story to the McCamey High School students on October 26th.

In other business, the former Frienship Center building is scheduled to be emptied of all contents at the city-wide clean-up day, November 6th.  After that, the building will be readied for its next function, the location of the Excell youth ministry!

The next meeting will be on November 9th at noon at Benoit's. 

The First UMC is looking for someone who wants to be a lay representative          (or alternate) to the MMA - talk with Pastor Charles if you are interested.

Upcoming events in October:
Badgers for Christ - October 20th, Noon @ First UMC
Excell - October 20th, 7:00pm @ First Assembly of God
5th Quarter - after the McCamey-Iraan game on October 22nd @ First Baptist Church

Looking ahead:
Community Thanksgiving Service - Nov. 21st, 6:00pm @ First UMC
Smiles on Wheels - February 12th
Catalyst - April 15th or 22nd (details to be announced)

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