Saturday, December 18, 2010

Advent Devotional for December 18th

(Star of Bethlehem quilt, circa 1870)

On a dark, clear night
Under one bright star
A child to us was born.
No one could know what lay ahead
The ecstasy, the sorrow.

On a dark, clear night
Under one bright star
A child began to give HIs life for ours.
In the still and calm we were saved
As the chosen babe arrived.

On a dark, clear night
Under one bright star
Stranger came together.
In whispered faith they proclaimed
The word of God fulfilled.

On a dark, clear night
Under one bright star
The world received a savior.
His name remains among us still
As we sing His praise on this dark, clear night.

Leigh Ayn Scallorn (daughter of Bob & Gwen Scallorn of Iraan), a former member of the FUMC - Iraan as well as being a Facebook friend of the FUMC - Iraan.

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