Monday, December 6, 2010

Advent Devotional for December 6th

(Shureimon Gate, the symbol of Okinawa)

Learning the secret of being content

The Christmas season brings many memories to each of us. Many memories are related to family, friends, celebrations, travel, food and gifts.

One Christmas Day will be a memory I will carry with me always and it occurred over 40 years ago. While serving my military tour in Okinawa, I had been assigned as the duty officer for the Army Medical Hospital on Christmas Day. I was feeling sorry for myself and my wide. We were having our first Christmas away from our families. We made plans to have lunch at the mess hall of the hospital during my 24-hour duty.

Prior to lunch I was called to the floor where the soldier's wive's babies were delivered. I was informed that one of the women had suffered a massive heart attack and had died. She had delivered a son the day before and it was my duty to inform the husband. I was a young Army officer and this was nothing I had been prepared for in my training.

I talked with the young soldier and I remember him asking if he could see his son. I took him to the nursery and ask if he needed anything and he said, "No, I just want to be with my son."

Even with being away from our families and on duty I had so much to be thankful for. Later that day my wife and I shared a quiet lunch in the hospital. During our tour of about eighteen months on Okinawa we learned to be content in our situation. I often wonder each Christmas about that young soldier and I hope he had learned to accept his condition and be content.

Jim and Mary Witcher, FUMC - McCamey

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