Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fourth Day of Christmas

("Rest on the Flight to Egypt"
by Federico Fiori Barocci, 1570, Vatican Museum)

Traditionaly, today is marked by remembering the children killed on the order of King Herod (Matthew 2:16-18). We offer this prayer from All Saints Episcopal Church in Brookline, Massachusetts:

In peace we pray to you, God of grace and mercy, saying, "Lord, hear your children."

For the Church, that people of all religious traditions put their faith into action; For those who care for children and answer God's call to protect the poor; For our nation and our leaders, that they put children first; For those who stand for children and speak out for justice, let us pray: "Lord, hear your children."

For children everywhere, especially those denied childhood; For children who labor and children who starve, children without schools or doctors or clean water, let us pray: "Lord, hear your children."

For the gift of babies; For the growth and blossoming of all children and youth; For parents and step-parents, godparents and caregivers, teachers and mentors; For all the families who struggle to make ends meet and find good care for their children, let us pray: "Lord, hear your children."

For the children who suffer abuse and neglect; For the special needs and concerns of this congregation, let us pray: "Lord, hear your children."

For the blessings of this life, especially children and young people; For women and men alike, old and young together, let us pray: "Lord, hear your children."

For all who have died, especially those who died from poverty and causes we could have prevented, let us pray: "Lord, hear your children."

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