Sunday, December 19, 2010

Beautiful Sunday in West Texas!

Our worship service this morning featured the telling of the gospel message with a "service of lessons and carols."  (This service was adapted from one begun at Truro Cathedral in Truro, Cornwall, UK, in 1880.) Today's service was a wonderful experience for one and all!
We are blessed to have so many willing to give of themselves in service each week.  Today Bill Lester led the congregation through another wonderful church history moment.  Dollie Lynch served as liturgist.  Gary & Luann Elliott lit the fourth Advent candle. 

Pastor Charles and Belinda were overwhelmed by the gifts from the congregation: What a blessing it is to be among such generous and loving people!

Following the service, our United Methodist Men's president Glen Smart took all of the food that had been donated at the community Thanksgiving service to the food bank, which is now located at the First Baptist Church.
The choir, led by Louise Carll, sang beautifully this morning with three selections which added so much to the service.  Cytha Peters and Mike Sherrod played three lovely piano duets, likewise adding to the worship of the community.
This afternoon, we continued to worship by going to the McCamey Convalescent Center.  Thanks to Bill & Bobbie Lester, Belinda Alkula, Nic & Amy Gray and Grace Moody for lending their support for this ministry.

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