Our worship was blessed with two acolytes this morning, Abbey & Ashley, these two young ladies perform their ministry with joy! The Convalescent Center worship took place once more in the hallway but that didn't stop us from experiencing God's presence!
We want to welcome you into the fellowship of Christian believers known as the First United Methodist Church in McCamey, Texas. We are a community of persons who are seeking a deeper relationship with God, through the example of Jesus Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. May you experience God's grace while you are a part of the ministry here at the First United Methodist Church.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
TV Ad on Local Channel 6!
Today is the first day that our new church television advertisement began airing on the local channel 6 station. It will be airing every day for the rest of 2011. Praise be to God for this awesome witness opportunity!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Midweek Message for January 26
(The Mount of Beatitudes, Israel)
Monday, January 24, 2011
Things are happening at FUMC
The church was a busy place today with activity taking place in the fellowship hall and in the church offices.
Mary Witcher and Billie Mitchell did an amazing job in transforming the fellowship hall from its New Year's look to a Valentine look -- in time for February. At the same time, Belinda Alkula and Bill Lester continued their efforts to reorganize the church's records/files.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
January 23rd at FUMC - McCamey
We were blessed with a wonderful time of worship and fellowship today! Pastor Charles shared with the congregation the story of the call of the disciples (in Matthew 4:12-23) and how that passage related to his own call to ministry.
After the service, a good many people could be seen signing up for the new McCamey First United Methodist Church denim shirts (part of a fund-raiser for camping scholarships from the San Angelo District). Others were getting information about upcoming Lay Ministry training events. (The next one is in Sonora on February 19th).
This afternoon, the hallway at the McCamey Convalescent Center (MCC) was once again filled with residents and FUMC members, gathered to worship God. Thanks to Belinda, Bobbie & Bill Lester for joining pastor Charles today at the MCC. Pastor Charles used a cow bell he bought at the 2006 Winter Olympics (in Torino, Italy) to illustrate some of the ways God calls us to be in mission.
Time to drop the nets
This mosaic, showing the call of Peter and Andrew, is from a church in Ravenna, Italy called Sant`Appolinare Nuovo. It dates from between 500-520. When you look at this depiction of Jesus and his followers, what comes to you? The two fishermen were at work and heard in the voice of Jesus a summons to a new life. Each Christian is called to the same new life and it is never too late to begin this new life. Today is the day to drop the nets...
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Church and Parsonage Safety/Health Inspection!
Thanks so much, Jim and Mary, for conducting today's church and parsonage safety and health inspection! At the church administrative board meeting last week, they were asked to do this. We are so blessed to have their expertise within our church family! (As some may know, they conduct this type of inspection for area schools.) They presented their findings to Pastor Charles. The written report will follow in a few weeks. Praise be to God for people who are willing to do what they can to make things better!
Friday, January 21, 2011
United Methodists at Benoits!
It was a lively setting in the back room at Benoits tonight! Fifteen of us from the FUMC gathered to share a time of fellowship and to enjoy someone else cooking for us! We celebrated Jack & Peggy's 62nd anniversary a little early, which is in February. (They won the door prize of a decorative pillow in the shape of a license plate with the inscription "QTPI" on it.) We enjoyed passing around a big box of chocolates. What a sweet way to spend an evening!
P.S. Some of the "Chat Pack" questions we addressed are as follows.
1. Through the use of a time machine, you are traveling back to the year 1850. You may take with you one, and only one, product or invention from the modern era. What would you take with you to impress and awe our forebears?
2. What is one item you own that you really should throw away... but probably never will?
3. If you could have 50 pounds of anything other than money, what would you want?
4. If you won $2 million tomorrow, what are the first three things you think you would do or buy as soon as you had the check in your hand?
5. When people find out what you do for a living, what is the most typical question that they are likely to ask you regarding your job?
6.. Babe Ruth, James Dean, Elvis Presley... If you could bring back any deceased superstar for one final performance in their respective field, whom would you choose?
7. What do you think is the best conversation piece in your home?
P.S. Some of the "Chat Pack" questions we addressed are as follows.
1. Through the use of a time machine, you are traveling back to the year 1850. You may take with you one, and only one, product or invention from the modern era. What would you take with you to impress and awe our forebears?
2. What is one item you own that you really should throw away... but probably never will?
3. If you could have 50 pounds of anything other than money, what would you want?
4. If you won $2 million tomorrow, what are the first three things you think you would do or buy as soon as you had the check in your hand?
5. When people find out what you do for a living, what is the most typical question that they are likely to ask you regarding your job?
6.. Babe Ruth, James Dean, Elvis Presley... If you could bring back any deceased superstar for one final performance in their respective field, whom would you choose?
7. What do you think is the best conversation piece in your home?
Online Registration to Volunteer at "Smiles on Wheels" Event: February 11-12!
The time is now for us to register online to help with the upcoming "Smiles on Wheels" dental-care event, which will be held at the Park Building (aka the library building) in McCamey, February 11-12!
Click here to register (and then scroll down to click on your "volunteer category").
Questions may be directed to Tandy Adams at 432-652-8674 or 432-530-8246.
Click here to register (and then scroll down to click on your "volunteer category").
Questions may be directed to Tandy Adams at 432-652-8674 or 432-530-8246.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Don't Forget the UMC Supper at Benoit's!
Who: All UM's and their friends
What: Our monthly "Dutch treat" meal
When: Friday, Jan. 21 @ 6:00 p.m.
Where: See the picture!
Why: Because it's fun, and you gotta eat!
MCC Coffee Time
The residents and Thursday morning visitors are still meeting in the hallway due to the construction taking place the dinning room. The word is that the work will be completed this week!
Today, Verla Flading and Alice Kephart joined Pastor Charles in sharing coffee and home-made cinnamon rolls and choclate chip cookies with the residents.
Wednesday @ FUMC
The FUMC in McCamey was the place to be tonight! In the sanctuary, our choir met for their weekly practice, and they sounded just lovely. We are blessed to have such a dedicated and talented group of ladies!
At the same time, in the fellowship hall, the Excell youth ministry (a ministry supported by the McCamey Ministerial Alliance) was meeting. The meal tonight was provided by the First Baptist Church, and the program was presented by the Midland/Odessa Area Aids Support (MAAS).
It is a very good thing when a church is used and God is praised all the week through... not just on Sundays!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Badgers for Christ is back!
The first Badgers for Christ of 2011 was a big success today with over forty students, staff and FUMC members present. The menu featured pizza, sodas, home-made chocolate cookies (thanks to Gladys Doris) and Cracker Jacks!
Bill Lester gave a talk about his experience leading up to and including his heart surgery. He encouraged the students to take care of their bodies and to remember to value and honor their families, friends, and most importantly, God in their lives! Everyone appreciated Mr. Bill's willingness to talk to us today!
Bill read a letter given to his family by one of the doctors tending him during his surgery. The last paragraph speaks clearly to the "heart" of the matter:
"Please join my prayer for the safe recovery. Our dear loving, all wise, all knowing Almighty God delights to answer the cries of His obedient children. To Him be the glory."
Midweek Message
Call of St. Andrew and St. Peter, James Tissot, French, 1836-1902
This coming Sunday, Pastor Charles will be preaching on Matthew 4:12-23, one of the accounts of the call of Jesus' disciples.
Something to think about this week is what does it mean to you to say, "I follow Jesus"? To what extent have your changed the course of your life as a result of becoming a Christian?
Sunday, January 16, 2011
A Great Day in McCamey!
What a blessing today was in the life of the First UMC in McCamey! There is a visible energy present in every aspect of the church life, and it is exciting to be part of it every day.
Worship at the McCamey Convalescent Center featured two very round sheep who served to illustrate today's gospel reading from John 1:29-42. We are still meeting in the hallway, waiting for the renovation of the residents' dining room.
The day was rounded out by an energetic Ad Board meeting. It is fun to attend meetings like this one, where everyone is invested in and able to celebrate the ministries of the church.
Items mentioned tonight included the following. The FUMC - McCamey will be featured in the District news in an upcoming edition of the Conference newspaper. We are supporting the food pantry at the First Baptist Church. Nomads are coming to McCamey again (no date has been set). Pastor Charles was elected to the Chamber of Commerce board of directors. The Catalyst youth event will not be held this year. Pastor Charles will offer a Lenten study.
Looking ahead, here are some events to place on your schedule!
January: 19th - Badgers for Christ; 21st - United Methodists Supper Outing @ Benoit's.
February: 5th - UMM Breakfast; 12th - Smiles on Wheels; 19th - Lay Speaking Course @ Senora.
March: 9th - Ash Wednesday; 13th - Daylight Savings Time ends.
April: 21st - Maundy Thursday; 22nd - Good Friday; 24th - Easter.
May: 6th - Relay for Life in Crane.
Attending tonight's meeting were: Belinda & Pastor Charles, Alice & Roy Kephart, Bill & Bobbie Lester, Dollie Lynch, Jean Myrick, Gloria Odom, Cytha Peters and Jim & Mary Witcher.
A thought for Sunday morning, Jan. 16
"Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the feet with which He walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which He blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are His body."
-Teresa of Avila, 16th century
Friday, January 14, 2011
Food Pantry Needs
The United Methodist Men of the First UMC are supporting the community food pantry located at the First Baptist Church (FBC) in McCamey (this replaces the pantry support previously given to the Friendship Center which is now closed).
Non-perishable donations can be brought to the church and placed in the large basket at the entrance between the sanctuary and the fellowship hall. Frozen items or other perishable items should be taken directly to the FBC in McCamey
The pantry is looking for these items:
Canned fruit
Canned meat (example: tuna, chicken, sausage…)
Chip or crackers
Corn bread mix
Evaporated milk
Frozen foods (FBC has a freezer)
Juice – any kind
Meat (FBC has a freezer)
Pancake mix & syrup
Powdered milk
Pudding mix
Tomato sauce/paste
Non-perishable donations can be brought to the church and placed in the large basket at the entrance between the sanctuary and the fellowship hall. Frozen items or other perishable items should be taken directly to the FBC in McCamey
The pantry is looking for these items:
Canned fruit
Canned meat (example: tuna, chicken, sausage…)
Chip or crackers
Corn bread mix
Evaporated milk
Frozen foods (FBC has a freezer)
Juice – any kind
Meat (FBC has a freezer)
Pancake mix & syrup
Powdered milk
Pudding mix
Tomato sauce/paste
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Today in McCamey
What a wonderful day this was at FUMC in McCamey. This afternoon, James Jordan (from FUMC-Iraan) met with Belinda and Bill Lester to go over the payments due to Conference for the health & pension benefits for Pastor Charles. They spent some time together, going over figures and talking with the Conference office in San Antonio. What a relief it is to get so much accomplished!
Also this afternoon, Mary Witcher came by the church to begin the transformation of the fellowship hall from its Christmas theme to a New Year theme. Come on Sunday to see what Mary has done this time!
This evening, the choir gathered once again to prepare themselves for the upcoming worship services. The angelic choir doesn't have anything on our ladies :)
Sermon note for January 16th
(9th century mosaic - St. Cecilia, Trastevere, Rome)
The sermon this week, "Come and see," focuses on the gospel lesson, John 1:29-42. John the Baptist is at work at the River Jordan and together with his disciples is witness to the early ministry of Jesus.
John describes Jesus to his disciples as Agnus Dei, the Lamb of God. What does this term mean to you? How do you describe Jesus to your friends, family, and neighbors?
The sermon this week, "Come and see," focuses on the gospel lesson, John 1:29-42. John the Baptist is at work at the River Jordan and together with his disciples is witness to the early ministry of Jesus.
John describes Jesus to his disciples as Agnus Dei, the Lamb of God. What does this term mean to you? How do you describe Jesus to your friends, family, and neighbors?
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