Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Great Day in McCamey!

What a blessing today was in the life of the First UMC in McCamey!  There is a visible energy present in every aspect of the church life, and it is exciting to be part of it every day.

Worship at the McCamey Convalescent Center featured two very round sheep who served to illustrate today's gospel reading from John 1:29-42.  We are still meeting in the hallway, waiting for the renovation of the residents' dining room.

The day was rounded out by an energetic Ad Board meeting.  It is fun to attend meetings like this one, where everyone is invested in and able to celebrate the ministries of the church.

Items mentioned tonight included the following.  The FUMC - McCamey will be featured in the District news in an upcoming edition of the Conference newspaper.  We are supporting the food pantry at the First Baptist Church.  Nomads are coming to McCamey again (no date has been set).  Pastor Charles was elected to the Chamber of Commerce board of directors.  The Catalyst youth event will not be held this year.  Pastor Charles will offer a Lenten study.

Looking ahead, here are some events to place on your schedule!

January:  19th - Badgers for Christ; 21st - United Methodists Supper Outing @ Benoit's.

February:  5th - UMM Breakfast; 12th - Smiles on Wheels; 19th - Lay Speaking Course @ Senora.

March:  9th - Ash Wednesday; 13th - Daylight Savings Time ends.

April:  21st - Maundy Thursday; 22nd - Good Friday; 24th - Easter.

May:  6th - Relay for Life in Crane.

Attending tonight's meeting were: Belinda & Pastor Charles, Alice & Roy Kephart, Bill & Bobbie Lester, Dollie Lynch, Jean Myrick, Gloria Odom, Cytha Peters and Jim & Mary Witcher.

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