Friday, February 25, 2011

The clean-up continues!

There was more cleaning taking place at the church today.  Mary Witcher, Marian Brown and Belinda Alkula did more work on the kitchen cleaning project.  It is looking SO much better!  Not to rest from their labors, they then tackled more cleaning in the janitor's storage room, which is looking a lot better!  Next cleaning time for these areas might just be next Thursday, March 3rd, beginning at 1:00 p.m.  (Stay tuned for confirmation at a later date.)  Any and all are welcome to join in on the fun!
Please note: Only cleaning supplies should be placed in the janitor's cleaning supplies room... just off the kitchen, leading to the rear door.  All items used in the serving of food are now stored in the kitchen itself.
Meanwhile...  Jim Witcher and Ted Creech stopped by the parsonage to tackle tricky leaky faucets.  Mission accomplished!  It sure is nice to have such able folks available to lend a hand!

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