Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The FUMC was buzzing today!

The church building was abuzz with activity today!
Bill Lester and Belinda Alkula were at work in the church office this morning, tending to the business-side of the church.  Louise Carll also could be found in the office, preparing musical selections for today's choir practice.
Today was also the "Badgers for Christ" lunch gathering at the FUMC.  Dozens of the McCamey High School students and staff stopped by for pizza and some home-made cookies which had been made by Billie Mitchell.  Volunteering their time today were Pastor Charles & Belinda, Andy Andrews, Bill Lester, Billie Mitchell, Jean Myrick, Debbie White and Mary Witcher. 
In the afternoon, Mary Witcher, Billie Mitchell and Belinda Alkula tackled the first phase of the kitchen cleaning.  All of the food-serving items are now stored in the kitchen pantry.  Bill Lester was assisted by Pastor Charles in stepping in for the trustees and changing some overhead lights in the kitchen.

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