Sunday, July 24, 2011

From start to finish

From the early morning hours in the pastor's study to mid-afternoon at the McCamey convalescent center, blessings abound in McCamey! 

The adult church school class, led by Bobbie Lester, continues to meet during the summer and is a blessing to all who attend.  The class meets from 9:45 - 10:30 in the parlor (by the kitchen). 

The worship service was blessing with Lou Dell Myrick being able to be with us (by way of NYC); a beautiful rendition of an old standard hymn by the choir; and the introduction of Jonah Adams as our new youth usher.  During our time of joys & concerns we celebrated the Lester's 39th anniversary (on Friday) and bid goodbye (only temporary!) to Verla Flading (going back to NY) and to the Kephart's (headed to NM).

Pastor Charles preached on Romans 8:26-39 and included a paragraph from John Wesley's sermon on this text, "On Predestination" - "What is it, the, that we learn from this whole account? It is this, and no more: (1) God knows all believers; (2) wills that they should be saved from sin; (3) to that end, justifies them; (4) sanctifies and (5) takes them to glory. O that men would praise the Lord for this his goodness; and that they would be content with this plain account of it, and not endeavor to wade into those mysteries which are too deep for angels to fathom."

This afternoon, Cytha Peters, Alice & Roy Kephart, Verla Flading, Belinda Alkula, and Bobbie & Bill Leter joined Pastor Charles in worship at the convalescent center.

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