Sunday, November 6, 2011

Today's Church Conference

The First UMC in McCamey gathered this morning for study, worship, and fellowship.  The children's Sunday school began this morning with six children gathering with Jennifer Aguilar and Connie Miles leading the way.

Our worship service began with a communion liturgy and a remembrance of those who have died in the past year.  Among the First UMC members, Billie Reaves was lifted up as taking her place in the communion of the saints.  Also remembered by the congregation today were Cleatus Brooks, Jack Fisher, Charles Harris, Effie Oneta (Moore) Hicks, Maxie Rowan, David Smith and Teresa Zwak.

Correction from yesterday's church conference reports: PPRC - Donny Wiley is in the class of 2012 and Luann Elliott is in the class of 2013.

We gathered in the fellowship hall following worship for a fantastic potluck meal.  Following lunch, the PPRC met in the parlor with our district superintendent, the Rev. Larry Altman.

Joys and Concerns:
+Six children in Sunday school!
+Earline T. doing well and she sends her greetings.
+Roy & Alice K. are back with us from New Mexico.
+Glen S. gave a great message last week.
+Forsan HS band
+Luann E.'s birthday today.
+Derek W. is with us today on leave from Fort Lewis, Washington.
+Many guests and our District Superintendent, Rev. Larry Altman and District Ministries Coordinator, Gini Christian, are with us today.

+Josie H. (Dollie's aunt) has a stroke.
+Cleo D. was admitted to the hospital on Friday but is doing better now.

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