Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Introducing our new pastor

It's official - Tonight at the church in McCamey, our D.S. introduced the Rev. Ken Houston, Jr. (currently serving as pastor of Island in the Son UMC - Corpus Christi) as the new pastor of the First UMC - Iraan/ First UMC - Mccamey to a joint session of the PPRC. The appointment is effective July 1st.
Rev. Houston and his wife, Lynn, are very familiar with west Texas and are looking forward to working among the people called United Methodist in the Permian Basin.

Please join me in lifting up Pastor Houston and Lynn in prayer as they prepare for this new chapter in their life and in the life of the Iraan and McCamey communities.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new pastor! You will be blessed beyond words with both Ken and Lynn. I will miss them both and know you will learn as much from them as I have.
    Cheri Tomscha from Island in the Son UMC - Corpus Christi
