We want to welcome you into the fellowship of Christian believers known as the First United Methodist Church in McCamey, Texas. We are a community of persons who are seeking a deeper relationship with God, through the example of Jesus Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. May you experience God's grace while you are a part of the ministry here at the First United Methodist Church.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Second Day of Christmas

"The Feast of St. Stephen"

The day celebrates the first person to give his life for the sake of Christ, St. Stephen, who was also one of the first deacons ordained to serve the poor.

This day also has the additional title of "Boxing Day" and is a holiday in the many countries of the British Commonwealth. There are various explanations for this name, but they all boil down to the idea that this is a day to be generous to those who are less fortunate than yourself.

Another saint closely associated with this day is St. Wenceslas of Bohemia whose charity to the poor is remembered in John Mason Neal's wonderful carol. The day after Christmas is a particularly good day to put the "spirit of giving" into practice. Take time today to perform an act of charity. If you make end-of-year gifts to charities, write the checks today.

Remembering St. Stephen and St. Wenceslas as well as our Lord's own sacrifice, this would be a good day to consider giving of yourself. Charity can take many forms. Whatever form your giving takes, make sure to sing or whistle "Good King Wenceslas" while you do it!

(adapted from fullhomelydivinity.org)

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